But a handful of pioneering physicians and social workers believed it didn’t have to be that way. 他们进行了研究,以了解更多关于心脏病的知识. 头号杀手. 然后, 6月10日, 1924, they met in Chicago to form 美国心脏协会 — believing that scientific research could lead the way to better treatment, 预防并最终治愈. 早期的美国心脏协会得到了数百人的帮助, 然后成千上万, 医生和科学家.
“我们生活在一个对心脏病几乎令人难以置信的无知的时代,保罗·达德利·怀特说, 他是创立该组织的六名心脏病专家之一.
In 1948, 协会重组了, transforming from a professional scientific society to a nationwide voluntary health organization composed of science and lay volunteers and supported by professional staff.
从那时起, the AHA has grown rapidly in size and influence — nationally and internationally — into an organization of more than 35 million volunteers and supporters dedicated to improving heart health and reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
Here is a timeline of 美国心脏协会 milestones in more than a century of lifesaving history:
寻找答案这比美国心脏协会正式成立早了近十年, physicians and social workers convene to find more answers about the mysteries of heart disease.
美国心脏协会成立: Six cardiologists form 美国心脏协会 as a professional society for doctors. 创始人之一,Dr. 保罗·达德利·怀特, described the early years as a time of “almost unbelievable ignorance” about heart disease.
科学会议开始: The AHA holds its first Scientific Sessions meeting where scientists and healthcare professionals learn the latest developments. 会议, 除第二次世界大战期间外,每年举行一次, grows to become the largest annual cardiovascular meeting in the United States and a leading international destination for the cardiovascular health community.
美国心脏协会重组:美国心脏协会重组, transforming from a scientific society to a voluntary health organization composed of volunteers and supported by professional staff. 对美国心脏协会使命的支持变得更加明显, 随着筹款活动在社区和企业中站稳脚跟.
首笔研究补助金当前位置该协会将其第一笔研究经费授予诺贝尔奖获得者. 艾伯特Szent-Gyorgyi. The grant helped fund studies about the energy that muscles, such as the heart, need to contract. 总之, 美国心脏协会资助了15位诺贝尔奖得主其中有10人的研究获得了诺贝尔奖.
稳定的心: An external defibrillator successfully returns a quivering heart back to a steady rhythm for the first time in humans. Dr. 保罗·佐尔在美国心脏协会的资助下领导了这项研究.
首次植入心脏起搏器当前位置第一个电池驱动的可穿戴式心脏起搏器被植入病人体内. 导致这一发现的研究,由Dr. 威廉·威里奇,由美国心脏协会资助, 导致了今天使用的完全植入式心脏起搏器的发展.
植入式心脏起搏器让位: The first successful surgeries for completely implantable pacemakers are reported by Dr. 威廉·查达克,他接受了美国心脏协会的资助. 植入式起搏器的生产很快就开始了.
人工心脏瓣膜置换术的开端第一例成功的人工心脏瓣膜置换术是由Dr. 阿尔伯特·斯塔尔, who received support from the AHA to develop the mechanical heart valve with hydraulic engineer Lowell Edwards. 斯塔尔-爱德华兹阀门至今仍在使用, 以及其他人工心脏瓣膜, 改善无数人的生活.
aha资助的研究和心肺复苏术:美国医师协会资助的研究. 威廉Kouwenhoven, James Jude和Guy Knickerbocker展示了心肺复苏术如何挽救心脏骤停后的生命. 他们的研究结果发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》上. 我们现在知道,有效的旁观者心肺复苏术可以使患者存活的机会增加一倍或三倍.
开创性的显微外科: Dr. 朱利叶斯·雅各布森借助显微镜进行手术. 在美国心脏协会的资助下,他成为显微外科的先驱. 显微外科导致冠状动脉手术的进步, 神经外科和许多其他手术.
研究表明心肺复苏术不需要呼吸在美国心脏协会的资助下. 戈登·伊维不间断地表演, high-quality chest compressions — without mouth-to-mouth respiration — are important for keeping blood circulating to vital organs. 结果是, the AHA releases new recommendations that say bystanders can skip mouth-to-mouth and use Hands-Only 心肺复苏 to help an adult who suddenly collapses.
美国心脏协会关于人工心肺复苏术的声明:美国心脏协会发布了一份关于手动心肺复苏术的声明, saying that bystanders who witness the sudden collapse of an adult should dial 911 and provide high-quality chest compressions by pushing hard and fast in the middle of the victim’s chest. 这与需要人工呼吸的传统心肺复苏术不同.
诺贝尔奖授予早期aha资助的研究人员: Dr. Martin Chalfie wins the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing green fluorescent protein as a genetic tag to see inside living cells, 包括心脏细胞, 为了更好地了解细胞是如何形成的以及它们是如何工作的. 美国心脏协会在Chalfie职业生涯的早期资助了他.
美国心脏协会的宣传努力有助于烟草监管: The AHA helps lead the way in the passage of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. 该法律允许FDA监管烟草, 禁止糖果味香烟,并在烟草产品上增加大的警告标签. 学校附近的广告牌是禁止的, and tobacco companies can no longer alter their products to make them more addictive or to make misleading health claims.
2020年影响力目标公布: The AHA announces a major goal to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20 percent by 2020. 预防是2020年影响目标的一个主要重点.
美国心脏协会领导心脏病和中风研究基金经过65年的资助研究, 美国心脏协会在心脏病和中风研究方面的投资总计超过3美元.50亿年. The AHA is the leading funder of heart disease and stroke research outside the federal government.
一个勇敢的想法:美国心脏协会建立了一个勇敢的想法, an unprecedented research initiative awarding $75 million to one team focused on curing heart disease. 它是由美国心脏协会、Verily和阿斯利康的联盟资助的.
美国心脏协会精密心血管医学研究所:通过研究所, the AHA provides funding for researchers focused on mining massive volumes of data in their quest to solve a range of heart disease issues. The institute began collecting, linking and leveraging patients’ data to help improve heart health.
复苏质量改进伙伴美国心脏协会(AHA)和莱尔达尔医疗公司(Laerdal Medical)成立了RQI合作伙伴, joint venture — a big step toward realizing our bold vision of a world where no one dies from cardiac arrest. The for-profit subsidiary partnership focuses on the Resuscitation Quality Improvement® program, the HeartCode® portfolio and solutions being co-developed with the Resuscitation Academy Foundation.
美国心脏协会获得者获得诺贝尔奖格雷格·L. 西门扎米.D., Ph.D., of Johns Hopkins University was co-awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovery of how cells sense and acclimate to oxygen availability, 生命最基本的适应过程之一的机制. 他与威廉。G. Kaelin小., M.D.波士顿丹娜-法伯癌症研究所(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)的Peter J. 拉特克利夫,M.D.他是英国牛津大学和伦敦弗朗西斯·克里克研究所的研究员. Their collaborative work established the basis for understanding how oxygen levels affect cellular metabolism and physiological function, paving the way for promising new strategies to fight cardiovascular disease and many other acute and chronic conditions, 包括贫血和癌症. Dr. 塞门扎已经获得了美国心脏协会的五项研究资助. 该协会从1993年开始支持他现在获得诺贝尔奖的HIF-1研究工作.